Official Traffic Signs
Description | Consult local guidelines for traffic control sign requirements, as well as signs associated with your project brand or program. |
Typical Dimensions | Varies by sign type. |
Estimated Cost | $25 - $200. |
Durability | Demo: 1 day to 1 month installation / Pilot: 1 month to 1 year installation / Interim: 1 year to 5 year installation |
All Projects | Signs may be required to meet safety or design requirements for your project. For demonstration projects, consider affixing signs to A-frame traffic barricades, or movable metal post/base structures. |
Bundling sign rentals with traffic control services can help reduce costs. Consider asking your traffic control vendor to rent signs at a discounted rate to act as an in-kind project sponsor. | |
Try to find existing poles on which to mount signs. | |
Should official metal signs be hard to source from the City, coroplast signs (the same materials as the Walk-Your-City signs) works as a great, relatively low-cost alternative. |
Rent from traffic control vendor or borrow from existing City or County inventory. |