Milk Crates
Description | Highly durable, light plastic containers that may be repurposed for a number of uses; easily movable and stackable (though not collapsible!). |
Typical Dimensions | 13 in. long x 13 in. wide x 11 in. high (Square); or 18.75 in. long x 13 in. wide x 11 in. high (rectangular). |
Estimated Cost | Can often be reclaimed from waste stream or received via donation. $4.75 (square) or $8.00 (rectangular) / unit. |
Durability | Demo: 1 day to 1 month installation / Pilot: 1 month to 1 year installation |
All Projects | Milke crates may be used as barrier elements or planters, and used just like the wooden planters also described in this guide. |
Curb Extensions / Plazas / Activated Alleys | Milk crates are durable enough to sit on and cost less than foldable chairs. |
Consider aesthetics, as milk crates may not be ideal for all projects - though colorful crates can be used to make certain projects "pop!" | |
Note that while crates easily stack, they do not nest or fold, meaning storage and transport can be challenging if space is limited. |
Can often be reclaimed from waste stream or received via donation. | |
Transport supply retailer, such as or |